The objective of the Scheme

Java is platform independent language and Object-oriented Programming language. Using advanced Java programming language we can learn how to design dynamic web applications using Java Server Pages and Java Servlet and how to connect to data base drivers. Advanced java course consist JDBC, HTML, Servlet, JSP and JSTL. Using JDBC concept you can learn database concepts in depth and perform all CRUD operations easily. Using HTML you can develop static web pages. Using Servlet and JSP you can develop dynamic web pages.

Course Objectives:

  • To become familiar with the advanced features of Java Language.
  • To develop Web Applications using Servlets / JSP and deploy in popular servers like Tomcat.
  • To understand Java Servlets and their life cycle
  • To understand Java Web application directory structure
  • To develop Server side components in a Java Web application
  • To understand Java Server Pages (JSP) technology
  • To develop reusable components using JavaBeans.
  • To develop JSP pages using which use JavaBeans
  • To develop JSP Custom tags and use them in JSP pages
  • Writing Event Listeners in Java Web application
  • Handling File uploads in Java Web application
  • To discover how to write Java applications this can communicate with Relational Databases

Pre-requisite / Target Audience:

  1. This course is designed to meet the needs of those who want to be professional Java developers.
  2. This will also help the audience to get through the Java Certification called Web Component
  3. Students should be familiar with Java programming techniques and should be comfortable with concepts such as Classes, Objects, Inheritance, Interfaces I/O Streams, Threading, and Networking.
  4. A certificate like Sun Certified Java Programmer will be an added advantage.

Module 1: Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

We know the data stored in a file can’t be permanent. So we use to store data from now onwards in database, In this module we will learn how to connect/store data of standalone/web applications in database or to retrieve the data from it.

  • Overview of RDBMS
  • Introduction to Call Level Interface(CLI)
  • Introduction to JDBC
  • JDBC Architecture
  • Types of JDBC Drivers
  • Establishing a JDBC Connection
  • Using Statement
  • Using Prepared Statement
  • Using Callable Statement
  • Scrollable and Updatable Result Set
  • Inserting & Fetching from BLOB Columns
  • Managing Transactions in JDBC
  • New Features introduced in JDBC 3.0
  • Auto Increment Columns

Module 2: Extensible Markup Language (XML)

In normally web applications will have so many pages server don’t know where to start, that’s why we use XML we define our start application in XML and all other related simultaneous pages in it, so that server will recognize how many pages are there and where to start, we can store some data in XML
also by parsing the XML we can able to retrieve the data.

  • eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
  • Introduction to XML
  • Document Object Model (DOM) using JAXP
  • Understanding DOM
  • Using DOM in Java
  • StAX in Java
  • Understanding StAX
  • Programming with StAX

Module 3:- Common Gateway Interface

This is the first gateway interface where user programs can run on a web server which will invoke the
client browser to make the user interface between the client and the web server.

  • Introduction to CGI
  • Understanding Environment Variables
  • Disadvantages and Limitations of CGI

Module 4: Java Servlets

In this module, we will learn how the client request is generated and how to track the user, and how to make client applications more secure. Don’t worry if you don’t get it by learning this concept you will get it.

  • Servlet as J2EE Web Component
  • Servlet as an improved CGI
  • Servlet Fundamentals / API
  • What is a Web-Container
  • Servlet Life Cycle / Architecture
  • HTTP GET and POST Request Methods
  • Processing Html Forms
  • What is the Name-Value pair
  • Content Types and MIME
  • Configuration of Web Application
  • Understanding the Deployment Descriptor (DD) / web.xml
  • Specifying the Welcome file list
  • Servlet URL Pattern Mapping
  • Init Parameters
  • State Management
  • Using HTTP Session
  • Using Cookies
  • Using Application

Module 5: Java Server Pages (JSP)
In this module, we can able to differentiate the model, view, and server logic so that lots of client-side code processing is reduced on the server which is not done in the servlets concept.

  • JSP Architecture
  • JSP Standard / Implicit Objects
  • Request
  • Response
  • Out
  • config
  • Application
  • Session
  • Page
  • Page Context
  • exception
  • JSP Page Implementation Class
  • JSP Basics & Syntax
  • JSP Directive Tags
  • Page Directive
  • Include Directive
  • Taglib Directive
  • JSP Action Tags
  • Forward Action Tag
  • Include Action Tag
  • JSP Script-related Tags
  • Scriptlet Tag
  • Expression Tag
  • Declaration Tag
  • Using Java Beans from JSP
  • UseBean Tag
  • setProperty Tag
  • getProperty Tag
  • JSP Custom Tag Library
  • JSP 2.0 Tag Files
  • JSP 2.0 Simple Tag
  • Empty Tag
  • Tag with Body Content
  • (JSP Fragment)

Module 6: JavaBeans

Each time whenever either storing or retrieving the data from a database we need a variable, instead of it, here we will create a property class that will reuse so as many times as we want.

  • JavaBean Architecture
  • JavaBean Characteristics
  • Providing Properties & Methods

Module 7: JSP Expression Language ( EL )

In this module, we will learn to avoid the expression tag of Java code from the client side.

  • Syntax
  • Using different scope objects
  • Calling Functions from EL

Module 8: JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)

In this module, we will completely avoid the java code from the client side so that the processing time will be reduced.

  • General Purpose Actions
  • Conditional Actions
  • Iterator Actions

Module 9: Structs

  • Struts: What and Why?
  • Model1 vs Model2
  • Struts2 Features
  • Steps to create Struts2 application
  • Understanding Action class
  • Understanding struts.xml file

Module 10: Filters in Web Application
Filters are used to authenticate the user and navigate the user to his particular page and not only that it is also helpful to filter the user-given operations.

  • Filter Basics
  • Filter Lifecycle
  • Filter Chaining
  • Filter Example

Module 11: Web Application Security
How the Client request is navigated to the server, and it will check the user is valid or not from the model and how the response is generated by the server to the client. We will learn here.

  • Introduction
  • Declarative Security
  • Programmatic Security
  • Roles
  • Authentication
  • Basic Authentication
  • Digest Authentication
  • Form-Based Authentication
  • Standard Login Form
  • Security Constraints
  • Web Resource Collection
  • Authorization Constraint